End to end media & marketing company with a track record

of creating most innovative first media products in Myanmar .We can help your brand reach new heights of success with our local market insights.

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Blog Content

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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Ideas, Lists & More

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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Marketing Content

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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Poetry & Song Lyrics

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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Sales Copywriting

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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New Tools Coming!

Full AI blog posts, blog topic ideas, intros, bullet point expansion, tone changer, paraphrasing tool, and so much more!
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3 Different Ways We Can Help you


Amplify Your Brand

We have five media outlets and reach 12 million people monthly. Our expertise can elevate your brand’s visibility and expand its reach in Myanmar, with tangible impact. Let us take your brand to new horizons.


Provide Growth-Oriented Solutions

Experience the power of our boutique marketing agency in driving tangible results for your brand. We specialize in creating value + impact based marketing strategies.


Provide Training Solutions

We believe in the power of productive and fulfilled teams. That’s why, we offer team training programs to develop high-performing team and foster holistic well-being, along with performance coaching for entrepreneurs and business owners

Our professionals are at the heart of what we do

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Ganesh Baniya (CEO)
Lachmi Baniya (CMO)
Jyothi Baniya Subedi COO

What’s our Clients Say About us.

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